

作者:张茉荀 人气:38



1. 参加校友活动

- 关注母校的校友组织或校友会发布的活动信息,积极参与校友聚会、座谈会、讲座等。

- 加入校友网络平台,与其他校友在线交流和互动。

2. 社交媒体和网络平台

- 关注母校的官方社交媒体账号,如微信公众号、微博等,及时了解学校的最新动态和发展。

- 加入校友专属的社交媒体群组或论坛,与校友们分享经验和交流情感。

3. 捐赠和支持

- 以个人或集体的形式向母校进行捐赠,支持学校的发展项目,如奖学金设立、教学设施改善等。

- 参与母校的筹款活动,为学校的建设贡献力量。

4. 回访母校

- 定期回校参观,看望老师和同学,重温校园时光。

- 参加校庆等重要活动,为母校庆祝并感受学校的变化。

5. 担任志愿者或导师

- 为在校学生提供职业指导、实习机会或分享自己的专业知识和经验。

- 参与母校组织的志愿者活动,如招生宣传、校园开放日等。

6. 与老师保持联系

- 与曾经的老师通过电话、邮件或社交媒体保持沟通,汇报自己的近况,请教问题。

7. 提供就业和合作机会

- 如果有能力,可以为母校的毕业生提供就业岗位或实习机会。

- 与母校开展产学研合作项目,促进学校和个人事业的共同发展。

8. 宣传母校

- 在自己的社交圈子和工作场所积极宣传母校的成就和特色,提高母校的知名度和影响力。










How to Keep in Touch with Our Alma Mater After Graduation

After leaving school, it is of great significance to maintain a connection with our alma mater. Keeping in touch not only allows us to cherish the precious memories but also gives us a sense of belonging and continuity. Here are some ways to stay connected.

Firstly, we can join the alumni association. This provides a platform for us to interact with former classmates and teachers. Through alumni events and reunions, we can catch up on each other's lives and share our experiences and achievements.

Secondly, social media can be a powerful tool. We can follow the official social media accounts of our school to get the latest news and updates about school activities and developments. Additionally, creating or joining alumni groups on social media helps us communicate more frequently and conveniently.

We can also volunteer to give back to the school. This could involve mentoring current students, participating in career guidance sessions, or contributing to school fundraising campaigns. By doing so, we actively support the growth and progress of our alma mater.

Another way is to visit the school from time to time. Attending school ceremonies, sports events, or cultural performances gives us the opportunity to relive the old days and witness the changes and advancements on campus.

In conclusion, maintaining a connection with our alma mater after graduation is both feasible and rewarding. It enriches our lives and allows us to remain a part of the school's story even as we move forward in our own journeys.



After leaving school, how can we keep in touch with our alma mater?