作者:刘婉愿 人气:18
以下是关于“职场英语:BBC 电话礼仪的要点需要注意”的一些内容:
要点如下:1. Answer Promptly(及时接听):Answer the phone in a timely manner to show professionalism.
2. Use Polite Language(使用礼貌用语):Such as "Good morning/afternoon", "Hello", "Thank you", etc.
3. Introduce Yourself(自我介绍):Clearly state your name and the company you represent.
4. Speak Clearly(清晰表达): Enunciate words clearly to avoid misunderstandings.
5. Be Courteous and Patient(礼貌且耐心): Listen attentively and respond appropriately.
6. Ask for Clarification(请求澄清): If not sure about something, politely ask for more details.
7. End the Call Gracefully(优雅结束通话):Use phrases like "Thank you for calling", "Goodbye", etc.
8. Take Notes(做笔记): Jot down important information during the call.
9. Transfer Calls Professionally(专业转接电话): If needed, do it smoothly and inform the caller.
10. Respect Privacy(尊重隐私): Do not disclose sensitive information casually.
以下是关于 BBC(商务电话沟通)电话礼仪中一些需要注意的要点:
接听时:1. 及时接听:尽快拿起电话,避免让对方等待太久。
2. 礼貌问候:使用恰当的问候语,如“Good morning/afternoon”等。
3. 清晰报出公司及个人身份:例如 “This is [your name] from [company name].”
通话中:1. 语气友好:始终保持友善、专业的语气。
2. 专注倾听:认真听取对方讲话,不要随意打断。
3. 表达清晰:说话简洁明了,避免使用模糊或歧义的语言。
4. 适当回应:用“yes”“right”等表示你在倾听和理解。
5. 控制语速:不要过快或过慢,确保对方能跟上。
询问与反馈:1. 礼貌提问:使用“May I ask...”“Could you please...”等句式。
2. 及时反馈:对对方的信息给予适当回应和确认。
结束通话:1. 要点:简要回顾讨论的重要内容。
2. 礼貌告别:如“Thank you. Have a nice day.”等。
3. 轻轻放下电话:避免发出大声响。
Here are some basic telephone etiquette knowledge in English.
A: Hello, this is ABC Company. May I help you?
B: Hi, I'm looking for Mr. Smith.
A: I'm sorry, Mr. Smith is not in the office at the moment. Can I take a message?
B: Yes, please. Could you tell him that Ms. Johnson called and ask him to call me back at 555-1234.
A: Certainly, Ms. Johnson. I'll make sure he gets the message.
B: Thank you very much.
A: You're welcome. Have a nice day.
B: You too. Bye.
A: Bye.